Full Moon Transmissions for Release and Letting Go: Cleansing Practices with Shekinah Ma


The full moon has long been revered as a time of heightened energy, illumination, and transformation. In spiritual traditions around the world, the full moon is seen as a potent opportunity for releasing what no longer serves, letting go of emotional baggage, and cleansing the mind, body, and spirit. Full moon transmissions, also known as moon blessings or lunar attunements, offer a powerful avenue for individuals to harness the energy of the full moon and facilitate deep release and purification. Understanding the transformative potential of full moon transmissions for release and letting go with the help of a spiritual teacher like Shekinah Ma, is essential for those seeking to cleanse and renew themselves on a spiritual and energetic level.

Harnessing the Power of Full Moon Energy   

The full moon represents a peak in the lunar cycle when the moon is fully illuminated by the sun, symbolizing illumination, revelation, and the unveiling of hidden truths. In spiritual traditions, the full moon is believed to amplify emotions, heighten intuition, and facilitate energetic shifts, making it an opportune time for release and cleansing practices. Harnessing the power of full moon energy allows individuals to tap into the expansive energy of the full moon and facilitate deep release and purification on all levels of being. TwinRay


During full moon transmissions, energetic healers work with the potent energy of the full moon to facilitate release, letting go, and energetic cleansing. Participants in full moon transmissions may experience a range of emotions as buried feelings and subconscious patterns come to the surface for healing and integration. By surrendering to the transformative energy of the full moon and allowing themselves to release what no longer serves under the guidance of an expert such as Shekinah Ma, individuals create space for healing, growth, and renewal.

Releasing Emotional Baggage and Energetic Blockages

Emotional baggage, which includes unresolved emotions, past traumas, and negative thought patterns, can weigh heavily on the psyche and impede personal growth and spiritual evolution. Full moon transmissions offer a powerful tool for releasing emotional baggage and energetic blockages that may be hindering emotional well-being and inner growth. During full moon transmissions, energetic healers work with the potent energy of the full moon to facilitate emotional release, energetic clearing, and soul-level healing. TwinRay


Participants may experience a sense of lightness, liberation, and emotional relief as they release pent-up emotions, old wounds, and limiting beliefs. By surrendering to the transformative energy of the full moon and opening themselves to receive healing blessings and activations with the help of a professional such as Shekinah Ma, individuals create space for emotional healing, inner peace, and spiritual growth.

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs and Patterns

Limiting beliefs and patterns, which stem from past experiences, societal conditioning, or negative self-talk, can hinder personal growth, self-expression, and fulfillment. Full moon transmissions offer an opportunity to let go of these limiting beliefs and patterns, creating space for new possibilities, growth, and transformation. During full moon transmissions, energetic healers work with the potent energy of the full moon to facilitate the release of limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve the highest good. Sanandaji


Participants may experience a sense of clarity, empowerment, and liberation as they let go of old ways of thinking and being. By surrendering to the transformative energy of the full moon and opening themselves to receive healing blessings and activations under the guidance of a spiritual teacher like Shekinah Ma, individuals can release what no longer serves and embrace new beliefs and patterns that support their growth and evolution.

Purifying the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Full moon transmissions offer a powerful opportunity to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit, releasing stagnant energy and promoting energetic balance and harmony. During full moon transmissions, energetic healers work with the potent energy of the full moon to facilitate energetic cleansing and purification on all levels of being.


Participants may experience a sense of renewal, vitality, and clarity as they release stagnant energy and emotional debris that may have accumulated over time. By surrendering to the transformative energy of the full moon and opening themselves to receive healing blessings and activations, individuals can cleanse and purify their mind, body, and spirit, promoting greater well-being and vitality.

Releasing Attachments and Surrendering to the Flow

Attachments to people, situations, or outcomes can create energetic blockages and hinder personal growth and spiritual evolution. Full moon transmissions offer a powerful opportunity to release attachments and surrender to the flow of life, allowing for greater ease, grace, and alignment. During full moon transmissions, energetic healers work with the potent energy of the full moon to facilitate the release of attachments and surrender to the flow of life.


Participants may experience a sense of liberation, surrender, and trust as they release attachments and surrender to the wisdom of the universe. By surrendering to the transformative energy of the full moon and opening themselves to receive healing blessings and activations, individuals can let go of attachments and embrace the natural flow of life, promoting greater peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Embracing Renewal and Transformation

Full moon transmissions offer a powerful opportunity for renewal and transformation, allowing individuals to release what no longer serves and embrace new possibilities and growth. During full moon transmissions, energetic healers work with the potent energy of the full moon to facilitate deep release and purification, creating space for renewal and transformation on all levels of being.


Full moon transmissions offer a potent avenue for release and letting go, allowing individuals to cleanse and purify themselves on a spiritual and energetic level. By harnessing the power of full moon energy and engaging in practices that facilitate deep release and purification, individuals can release emotional baggage, let go of limiting beliefs and patterns, and surrender to the flow of life. By embracing renewal and transformation with the help of a spiritual teacher like Shekinah Ma, individuals can cultivate greater well-being, joy, and fulfillment in their lives, promoting greater alignment with their true selves and the natural flow of life.



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