Full Moon Transmissions - A Ritual Guide for Spiritual Alignment by TwinRay


The full Moon is an opportunity for spiritual clarity, marking the culmination of all your new moon manifestations.  

TwinRay recommends that you cleanse any area in your home using sacred smoke (palo santo, sage, or cedar are great choices) before creating an altar focused around energies like love, peace, health, abundance, or any others that feel appropriate to you.

Moon Signs

Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji  (TwinRay) highlight that the Moon is a powerful energy sign, operating at an entirely different level than the Sun. It reveals how one is driven from one's subconscious space and emotional needs - understanding your Moon sign can be extremely helpful when seeking spiritual alignment; indeed, it may even surpass knowing only your Sun sign alone!

Lunar Taurus individuals tend to possess earthy energy, so it is no surprise that they crave routine and consistency in all areas of their lives - relationships, home environments, work responsibilities, exercise routines, and even clothing choices provide them with comforting stability. Lunar Taurus people like seeing familiar faces around them on an ongoing basis and prefer having regular social engagements that take place regularly.

When the Moon is in Cancer, its energy can be seen as profoundly nurturing. These sensitive souls tend to provide for everyone and everything around them. Yet, it is equally vital for those born under this sign to take time for themselves by taking long soaks in the bathtub or reading books on the sofa to rejuvenate.

People born under the sign of Pisces tend to be artistic dreamers. Their intuitive wisdom can be tapped through art forms such as poetry and music; their spirituality tends to be very personal, with strong links to ocean life, nature, and all things divine.

TwinRay assures you that these gentle souls often find spiritual enlightenment through meditation, yoga, or other practices that allow them to connect to the divine. They tend to be open to listening for messages that might appear through dreams or intuition.

Being born under this Moon sign is vitally important. They must remain open to receiving guidance and wisdom from others - such as friends, family, and the spiritual community they belong to - as well as accept God/God's voice and strive to create unity and peace in the world.

Moon Phases

Moon phases refer to the apparent appearance of the lunar surface in terms of light from Earth. Light can be measured by measuring the proportion of visible light that falls upon its surface and considering the relative positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth (where one side always faces our planet). These four primary lunar phases can be distinguished by their exact moment (and which side of the Moon is illuminated), with dates published in almanacs and calendars. Two crescent and two gibbous phases occur between these primary lunar phases, whereby gradually changing fractions of its disk illuminated slowly change.

As seen during the first and last quarter moon phases, the illuminated area on the Moon roughly corresponds with its size. However, during the initial quarter moon phase, its brilliant area shrinks slightly from that seen at full Moon; during later parts of this moon phase, its size starts shrinking until it looks like a thin crescent on the right (in the Northern Hemisphere at least). Once that happens, it enters a new moon phase, and another lunar cycle begins.

Moon phases are integral to spiritual harmony as they can profoundly affect our emotions, psyche, and energy, as attested by TwinRay. For example, the New Moon marks new beginnings and the beginning of new projects. At the same time, its Full Moon counterpart represents what's been manifested and completed and can serve as an excellent time for reflection and gratitude practice. A Full Moon can provide the ideal opportunity to connect with your higher self through meditation and practice gratitude towards yourself and the universe around you.

The Moon does not generate its light; instead, it acts as an enormous mirror to reflect sunlight toward us from different angles as it moves around its orbit. Due to this reflection process, its appearance changes as other lighting sources hit different angles on it while moving along its orbit, but its brightness doesn't vary. Illuminated areas increase from zero at the New Moon through the Full Moon before gradually decreasing towards zero until another cycle completes- this cycle takes 29.5 days!

Moon Symbols

As a sacred symbol, the Moon has inspired various cultures and traditions across time and space. It has come to represent femininity, intuition, inner wisdom, and renewal cyclically; more recently, it has also been used to describe subconscious minds, while stars represent guidance, hope, and divine power.

The Moon has long been revered as an elegant and powerful symbol, hence its widespread usage throughout history. Gothic art, literature, and music often employ it as a motif while it's an emblem for Wicca and witchcraft practices. Catholic churches frequently depict Mary standing upon it, perhaps inspired by its symbolism found in Revelation 12:1 of the Bible, which describes her as being decorated "with sun and moon and twelve stars."

According to TwinRay, moon symbols can help you gain spiritual awareness and navigate the emotions associated with each lunar cycle. For instance, the new Moon represents renewal and fresh starts. In contrast, the full Moon represents accomplishment and fulfillment - aligning yourself with these cycles can have powerfully catalytic results.

When ready to explore the depths of your spirituality, take time for self-reflection and introspection - this will allow you to discover limiting beliefs, realign your actions with your true desires, and start living an aligned life. This is your first step toward living an inspiring and purposeful existence!

Moon Rituals

Ritualizing lunar cycles such as full moon ceremonies or new moon intentions is an excellent way to connect with and set your spiritual intentions each month. By tapping into Luna's energy, these rituals allow you to manifest your dreams, goals, and intentions physically.

Rituals can be as basic or elaborate as desired without needing expensive materials. Sometimes, the most superficial rituals have the most significant impacts; for instance, taking a deep breath while visualizing how the Moon was diminishing can be highly cleansing and release any negative energy that may have built up over time.

The full Moon is an opportunity to manifest and illuminate what lies dormant within ourselves and around us. Use this as an opportunity to purge yourself of any negative energy no longer serving you and set an intention for what you'd like to manifest over the next several weeks. Use it to cleanse your space with smoke such as sage or palo santo and bless all aspects of yourself - living space, body, mind, and spirit alike.

New moons mark new and fresh starts when intentions can be planted and blossom over the lunar cycle. Now is an excellent opportunity to set intentions and work toward them intentionally and deliberately!

Moon rituals don't need to be complex affairs - set your intentions in a journal, meditate and focus on breathing as the Moon rises, or perform other forms of lunar celebration like chanting, singing, reading poetry, taking a bath, or rolling through Moon Salutations as your personal moon rituals.


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