
Showing posts from January, 2024

Akasha Sananda

  Akasha Sananda TwinRay represents Divine Love, Wisdom and Community. It connects the ancient with the current, and inspires people all over the world to live a life of virtue and purity. TwinRay is inspired to be a beacon of hope in a world that is seeking the return of goodness and compassion. The TwinRay Logo has a double headed dove, symbolic of the sacred union of the masculine and feminine living in harmony as one. A trinity symbol at the centre represents the triunity of creation and is surrounded by a love heart infinity symbol to express unconditional love, as the purpose of life. TwinRay has many lines of conscious products and services that are designed and crafted to remind you of Heaven within. TwinRay is Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji’s global brand and is the umbrella for multiple sub brands that they have created and brought forth for humanity. TwinRay has partnered with, and is supporting artesian families all over the world representing the golden thread of all cultures.

Akasha Sananda

  Akasha Sananda TwinRay is at the center and the apex of Global awareness and solutions.  Our companies and partners are in production right now creating resolutions for abundant clean ocean and drinking water, free energy technology to power homes and businesses, preservation of natural resources, new materials for building and providing housing, resonant medical technology that has been proven to heals untreatable illnesses and even helps to create the new Divine human physiology,  vast agricultural advancement for farming and high yielding food production with little water and of course our specialty and passion is in Spiritual Progress offering ancient teachings, certifications for the illumination and advancement of the Human Race.

Shekinha Ma

  Shekinha Ma TwinRay was birthed upon the divine, marital, and spiritual union of its founders, Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji. ‘TwinRay’ represents the alchemy of this personal union, the profound teachings of its founders, and the devoted community who echo them.

Shekinha Ma

  Shekinha Ma TwinRay is at the center and the apex of Global awareness and solutions.  Our companies and partners are in production right now creating resolutions for abundant clean ocean and drinking water, free energy technology to power homes and businesses, preservation of natural resources, new materials for building and providing housing, resonant medical technology that has been proven to heals untreatable illnesses and even helps to create the new Divine human physiology,  vast agricultural advancement for farming and high yielding food production with little water and of course our specialty and passion is in Spiritual Progress offering ancient teachings, certifications for the illumination and advancement of the Human Race.


  TwinRay TwinRay represents Divine Love, Wisdom and Community. It connects the ancient with the current, and inspires people all over the world to live a life of virtue and purity. TwinRay is inspired to be a beacon of hope in a world that is seeking the return of goodness and compassion. The TwinRay Logo has a double headed dove, symbolic of the sacred union of the masculine and feminine living in harmony as one. A trinity symbol at the centre represents the triunity of creation and is surrounded by a love heart infinity symbol to express unconditional love, as the purpose of life. TwinRay has many lines of conscious products and services that are designed and crafted to remind you of Heaven within. TwinRay is Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji’s global brand and is the umbrella for multiple sub brands that they have created and brought forth for humanity. TwinRay has partnered with, and is supporting artesian families all over the world representing the golden thread of all cultures. TwinRay


  TwinRay TwinRay is at the center and the apex of Global awareness and solutions.  Our companies and partners are in production right now creating resolutions for abundant clean ocean and drinking water, free energy technology to power homes and businesses, preservation of natural resources, new materials for building and providing housing, resonant medical technology that has been proven to heals untreatable illnesses and even helps to create the new Divine human physiology,  vast agricultural advancement for farming and high yielding food production with little water and of course our specialty and passion is in Spiritual Progress offering ancient teachings, certifications for the illumination and advancement of the Human Race.

How to Connect with Nature for Spiritual Renewal - A Guide by TwinRay

  Spiritually reconnecting with nature can be achieved in various ways. Reconnecting can take many forms, from visiting local parks or wooded areas to tending your garden. 1. Go for a Walk Life can become hectic, making it easy to lose touch with nature. Stepping outside provides a perspective that no other activity can match, whether meditation, prayer, or simply taking in the sights of flowers and trees - reconnecting with nature helps nurture our spirituality and brings renewed vigor into daily living. Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji ( TwinRay ) highlight that spirituality and nature have long been interwoven, with various cultures and religions worldwide acknowledging divine presence within nature. While each culture may interpret this mystical relationship differently, numerous ways can foster an active spiritual relationship between humans and nature. Some individuals find comfort in developing relationships with trees through tree spirit communication, an approach in which on

Healing through Alchemy with TwinRay - Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

  The Sacred Art of Healing and Transformation Greetings, fellow explorer of truth and spiritual illumination, to the mesmerizing world of alchemy. Living in today's accelerated and often chaotic society, we encounter continual tests to our inner balance. Amid this tumult, the age-old knowledge imparted by TwinRay invites us to embark on a journey of healing and self-awareness that could profoundly change our lives. At its core, alchemy is a mystical path that seeks to transmute the lead of our everyday lives into the gold of spiritual mastery and enlightenment. It is a profound form of spiritual exploration that delves deep into the recesses of our being, inviting us to unveil the hidden treasures of our soul. Much like a master healer tending to a wounded spirit, alchemy guides us towards the restoration of our divine essence. The journey of alchemy is not a linear one; it is a tapestry woven with threads of synchronicity that connect us to the universe's eternal truth

Harmonizing with the Universe with TwinRay - The Art and Science of Spiritual Alchemy

  Embrace the Cosmic Dance of Spiritual Alchemy You are poised at the edge of an extraordinary expedition, one that ventures deep into the cosmic layers of spiritual alchemy. This sacred exploration, guided by TwinRay , invites you to journey into self-discovery, navigating the mystic realms connecting you to the universe's fundamental essence. As an adept in modern spiritualism, you stand ready to unlock the secrets of cosmic harmony and tap into the boundless potential residing within you. At the heart of spiritual alchemy lies the art and science of self-discovery. It is a journey that invites you to delve deep into the recesses of your soul, to unravel the mystical activations that have been dormant within you for too long. This path is not for the faint of heart, but for those who seek to connect with their divine essence and master the alchemical process of transformation. Embarking on this transformational journey, you will find yourself immersed in the threads of sync

Full Moon Transmissions - A Ritual Guide for Spiritual Alignment by TwinRay

  The full Moon is an opportunity for spiritual clarity, marking the culmination of all your new moon manifestations.    TwinRay recommends that you cleanse any area in your home using sacred smoke (palo santo, sage, or cedar are great choices) before creating an altar focused around energies like love, peace, health, abundance, or any others that feel appropriate to you. Moon Signs Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji   ( TwinRay ) highlight that the Moon is a powerful energy sign, operating at an entirely different level than the Sun. It reveals how one is driven from one's subconscious space and emotional needs - understanding your Moon sign can be extremely helpful when seeking spiritual alignment; indeed, it may even surpass knowing only your Sun sign alone! Lunar Taurus individuals tend to possess earthy energy, so it is no surprise that they crave routine and consistency in all areas of their lives - relationships, home environments, work responsibilities, exercise routines,





Eternal Truths in a Modern World with Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji - A Journey of Spiritual Embodiment and Mastery

  Embarking on the Path of Spiritual Mastery In the relentless hustle of today's society, where technological noise and the pursuit of worldly achievements can overwhelm our inner voices, disconnection from life's deeper, mystical aspects might occur. As an advocate of modern spiritualism and an explorer of truth, your journey towards spiritual mastery and embodiment has already begun. Your navigation through this path is steered by everlasting truths echoing within your divine essence, under the guidance of Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji . The call to spiritual embodiment is a sacred beckoning that transcends the boundaries of time and space. It is a reminder that you are not merely a physical being, but a divine soul experiencing a human existence. As you awaken to this truth, you begin to recognize the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of nurturing the divine essence within yourself. Your journey of spiritual embodiment and mastery is a profound alchemical

Eternal Truths and Healing Alchemy - Lessons from Spiritual Teachers Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji

  The Divine Essence Within You In the field of modern spirituality, one is constantly connected to higher dimensions, subscribing to a deep faith in personal metamorphosis, and a steadfast dedication to spiritual development. This sacred path is illuminated by spiritual mentors, guiding seekers towards the illumination and healing they aspire. As you set out on your spiritual expedition, we will delve into the profound wisdom and insights that you can draw from these spiritual guides, such as Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji . Central to the teachings of spiritual masters is the recognition of the divine essence that resides within each and every one of us. This divine essence is the spark of universal love, the sacred flame that burns brightly at the core of our being. It is through introspection and contemplation that we come to realize this eternal truth - that we are not separate from the divine, but rather, we are expressions of it. The journey of self-discovery takes us deep int

Embracing Your Transformational Journey with TwinRay - Evolving into an Enlightened Being

  The Support and Insight You Need For Your Personal Life Embarking on this profound journey, you tread a path bathed in the glowing light of awakening. This expedition transcends beyond mere physical or mental alterations, delving into a deep spiritual evolution that defies conventional human limitations. Under the guidance of TwinRay , your quest is to ascend to heightened states of consciousness, becoming an enlightened being and reuniting with your divine core. On this sacred path of self-discovery and spiritual embodiment, you are never alone. The universe conspires to provide you with the support and insight you need for your personal life. You may find yourself drawn to communities of like-minded individuals who share your passion for spiritual exploration. These gatherings serve as crucibles of transformation, where you can exchange ideas, experiences, and wisdom. Mastery Gatherings: A Gathering of Souls The experience of attending Mastery Gatherings is a cornerstone ev

Daily Habits for Nurturing Your Spiritual Well-being with Shekinah Ma

  People frequently focus on improving their physical health, but spiritual well-being should also be prioritized. Engaging in mindful practices and making ethical choices are two keys to building your spiritual wellness. Spiritual development is an individual journey that may include practicing gratitude, spending time outdoors, meditation, or connecting with others. Spending Time in Nature Spending time outdoors has numerous positive health benefits for physical and mental well-being. Studies conducted by environmental psychology show it can reduce stress, boost your mood, increase creativity and concentration, and then immunity systems. Shekinah Ma highlights that one study revealed that spending even just two hours per week outdoors could contribute to significantly improved levels of health and well-being. Though two hours may seem like too much of an undertaking for your schedule, you can easily break it up into smaller daily segments - it doesn't need to involve len

Connecting With Your Inner Self With Practices by Sanandaji

  Connecting with yourself is essential to leading an authentic life, requiring dedication and practice but yielding many tangible advantages. Begin your journey of self-discovery by soliciting opinions from close family and friends regarding your strengths, weaknesses, and values, and then following the next steps for a more introspective journey. 1. Meditation Connecting with yourself can make you healthier, happier, and more fulfilled. Whether you feel disconnected from yourself or overwhelmed by life, reconnecting to yourself can help create better relationships and make you feel more part of the world around you. There are various forms of meditation. These include contemplation, concentration (focusing on one thing), guided meditation, meditative movement exercises like yoga or tai chi, breathing exercises, and mantras. Sanandaji indicates that all meditation techniques aim to connect individuals to their deep inner self - however, this can sometimes be challenging to acc